Plastic bricks innovation may boost the Indian economy and encourage environmental sustainability.


Today, plastic trash may be found everywhere on the planet, from the surface to the deep sea, and it is damaging to our biodiversity. As a consequence, recycling plastic trash into plastic bricks might result in environmental sustainability. Moreover, humans use plastic the most frequently, and it is frequently disposed of in landfills, which harms the environment. If plastic garbage is not recycled, waste accumulation and environmental problems develop. Furthermore, Brick is a building material, particularly for wall components. Bricks come in a variety of varieties. However, here, the study’s primary interest is in bricks made from recycled plastic . Henceforth, plastic bricks may be both beneficial and profitable for the economy while also being environmentally friendly. In addition, this may give economic possibilities, as well as the systematic arrangement of trash.

Such plans might be carried out by first raising awareness about the hazards that plastic trash can cause to our environment, as well as how plastic bricks can be used to promote a sustainable environment and boost the economy. To do this, we should fund some local awareness campaigns. Furthermore, there should be a systematic protocol in place to collect plastic trash from houses and store it in a certain region. In addition to this, plastic trash collecting machines can be erected at bus/train/metro stations in India, where passengers can deposit their plastic garbage in exchange for a modest fee. As a result, this plastic may be utilised to make bricks by delivering it to specific plastic brick-making firms.

Companies must pay to dispose of garbage, so we address their problem; the waste is virtually free. At extremely high temperatures, the extruder combines plastic waste with sand, and the press compresses the mixture. Furthermore, because the plastic is fibrous in character, the brick has a higher compression strength. For example, Matee company has recycled 20 metric tonnes to date, and this company hopes to increase that number to 50 by the conclusion of the following fiscal year. In addition, Matee has generated 112 jobs "for garbage collectors, women, and youth organizations.

I was fascinated by the findings, which demonstrate that this brick has high compressive strength compared to traditional clay bricks of the same size and is lighter in weight as well, reducing the dead weight of the construction.To further support this suggestion, not only should awareness be raised, but participants who contribute to plastic garbage should be rewarded. Rewards could be based on targets, as well as how much plastic trash is contributed.

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